Planetarium Show – Dark Skies of MO

Columbia Public Schools Planetarium 4303 South Providence Rd., Columbia, MO

12:00pm - Dark Skies of MO - Best for older audiences of ages 10+ A classic planetarium show, featuring a live star presentation with our original Spitz 512 star projector from 1974. With the stars set to music, enjoy looking at an entire night of the darkest sky of stars from sunset ‘til sunrise. Visit …

Planetarium Show – Astronomy: 3,000 Years of Stargazing

Columbia Public Schools Planetarium 4303 South Providence Rd., Columbia, MO

11:00am - Astronomy: 3000 years of Stargazing - Best for audiences of ages 8+ Since the beginning of time, the sky has enthralled humans. In this full-dome show, retrace the milestones of cosmic discovery from Ptolemy’s epicycle theory to The Big Bang. From Galileo’s telescope to modern instruments used on Earth and in space, see …

Planetarium Show – Legends of the Night Sky: Orion

Columbia Public Schools Planetarium 4303 South Providence Rd., Columbia, MO

10:00am - Legends of the Night Sky: Orion - Best for young children ages 3-8 Enjoy this animated re-telling of the classic Greek myth of the famous constellation Orion. Join narrators Aesop the Owl and Socrates the Mouse as they share this ancient story. Follow Orion as he grows from boy to man, foils the …