Lizzy’s 6th Annual Walk of Faith 5K Walk/Run

Bethel Park 4500 Bethel Street, Columbia

Join us in funding a cure and supporting a cause! #pediatriccancer #noonefightsalone #bravelikelizzy #lizzy'swalkoffaith5k Join us for our 6th Annual Lizzy’s Walk of Faith 5K Walk/Run!  On Saturday, September 16th, 2023, at Bethel Park, we will come together to honor our daughter, Lizzy, and other families that have courageously battled childhood cancer.  In addition, we …

In It Together: A Walk for Inclusion

Bethel Park 4500 Bethel Street, Columbia

In an effort to support our children, CoMO SEPTA is proud to host In It Together: A Walk for Inclusion on September 10, 2022 at Bethel Park - Leech Shelter area from 9 am to noon. Registration opens at 9, the walk will start at 10am. Refreshments and games will be provided, just bring yourself …